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Extended Downtimes in July at MARCC
After 7.5 years of service, the Bluecrab Cluster will be retiring its compute resources as of June 7th 2022. Advanced Research Computing at Hopkins (ARCH) has deployed a new cluster called Rockfish.
The Deans Office has contributed a condo to the Rockfish cluster so that PIs may resume their computation research. We have created “startup allocations” (50,000 core-hours) that can be used until December 2022.
Rockfish uses Coldfront, a portal that allows PIs and users to manage their projects, allocations and accounts. A video on the use of the portal is available here. Users MUST use their Johns Hopkins JHEDID as the “username”. Failure to do so may delay account creation and make certain functions like Globus unavailable. After an account is requested, users should contact their PI to be added to allocations. If your PI does not have a Rockfish allocation, they can reach out to us for more information.
Users should begin migrating their data and workflows to the Rockfish Cluster as soon as possible. To transfer files we recommend the use of Globus. The end points are “marcc” and “rockfish”. For more information click here.
Detailed information about navigating Rockfish is available by visiting the User Guide.
If you have any questions, reach out to us at
Bluecrab Cluster Retiring
After 7.5 years of service, the Bluecrab Cluster will be retiring its compute resources as of June 7th 2022. Advanced Research Computing at Hopkins (ARCH) has deployed a new cluster called Rockfish.
The Deans Office has contributed a condo to the Rockfish cluster so that PIs may resume their computation research. We have created “startup allocations” (50,000 core-hours) that can be used until December 2022.
Rockfish uses Coldfront, a portal that allows PIs and users to manage their projects, allocations and accounts. A video on the use of the portal is available here. Users MUST use their Johns Hopkins JHEDID as the “username”. Failure to do so may delay account creation and make certain functions like Globus unavailable. After an account is requested, users should contact their PI to be added to allocations. If your PI does not have a Rockfish allocation, they can reach out to us for more information.
Users should begin migrating their data and workflows to the Rockfish Cluster as soon as possible. To transfer files we recommend the use of Globus. The end points are “marcc” and “rockfish”. For more information click here.
Detailed information about navigating Rockfish is available by visiting the User Guide.
If you have any questions, reach out to us at