ARCH April 2024 Newsletter

In this Newsletter for the Month of April

Read below for more details about our announcements. 

April Training Sessions

 ARCH will be providing the following sessions for the month of ARCH:

Register for each session here

Data-driven Materials Modelling Workshop:

The Institute for Data-Intensive Engineering & Science (IDIES), the Ralph O’Connor Sustainable Energy Institute (ROSEI), and the Advanced Research Computing at Hopkins (ARCH) Facilities are sponsoring a 3-day workshop on data-driven materials modeling at the Homewood Campus.
Join us for 3 full-day sessions with themes that explore the intersection of simulation with machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. Each session will feature a morning keynote from an expert in the field and a hands-on afternoon covering relevant software and running through exercises.


Globus connectors serve as enhancements to the Hopkins Globus premium subscription, facilitating seamless data transfer between various endpoints managed by the system. Users can effortlessly move and share data not only between different connectors but also between endpoints, such as AWS and OneDrive. By incorporating Globus connectors, your file system can function as a Globus endpoint, exemplified by the integration with file systems like Ceph. This empowers users with access to your file system to efficiently share their data with other endpoints or users.
Among the widely utilized Globus connectors are OneDrive, AWS, Google Drive, Ceph, Dropbox, Google Cloud, and iRODS, totaling 22 available connectors. Accessible through the Hopkins Globus entry point are options like “Rockfish AWS” and “ARCH OneDrive,” with additional connectors such as “Google Drive” and “Ceph” slated for future implementation. For additional information please contact ARCH

#SBATCH –mem-per-cpu=4GB:

Users are advised not to include the argument #SBATCH –mem-per-cpu=4GB in slurm scripts. Each task per core is associated with about 3.9GB of memory, making this argument redundant. Therefore, we recommend avoiding its usage.

Research Spotlight: Professor Yahui Zhang

Yahui Zhang joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy as an Assistant Professor in 2022 and has recently been named a 2024 Sloan Research Fellow. His work focuses on condensed matter theory with a focus on strongly correlated physics. Learn more

Staff Spotlight: Jimena Fernandez

Next on our Spotlight, we have Jimena Fernandez, the Communication Specialist for ARCH. Learn more about her work and experience working with the ARCH team here

Feel free to contact us for assistance with our services by submitting a help ticket on our website.

Thank you,