The following is a list of the modules and extensions currently available on the Rockfish Cluster. You can also view this list when logged in by issuing the “ml spider” command.
Packages marked with a *** are commercial packages restricted to certain groups or users. If you believe you should have access to these packages, contact
This list was last updated on 09/07/2022
1 abaqus***: abaqus/2020.2
2 abinit: abinit/9.4.2, abinit/9.6.2
3 alphafold: alphafold/2.2.0
4 amber***: amber/20_all, amber/20
5 anaconda: anaconda/2020.07
6 AnnotSV: AnnotSV/3.1.2
7 ansys: ansys/2020-2
8 armadillo: armadillo/11.1.1
9 aspera-cli: aspera-cli/3.7.7
10 Aspera-Connect: Aspera-Connect/3.9.6, Aspera-Connect/4.1.1
11 Aspherix: Aspherix/6.0.2
12 atlas: atlas/0.29.0
13 BamTools: BamTools/2.5.2
14 basespace: basespace/0.10.9
15 bcftools: bcftools/1.12, bcftools/1.15.1
16 bcl2fastq: bcl2fastq/2.20.0
17 bedtools2: bedtools2/2.27.1
18 bedtools: bedtools/2.30
19 BerkeleyGW: BerkeleyGW/3.0.1
20 bioperl: bioperl/1.7.2
21 biopp: biopp/3.0.0
22 blacs/openmpi/gcc/64: blacs/openmpi/gcc/64/1.1patch03
23 blas/gcc/64: blas/gcc/64/3.8.0
24 blast: blast/2.13.0
25 bonnie++: bonnie++/1.98
26 boost: boost/1.71.0, boost/1.74.0
27 bowtie2: bowtie2/2.4.1
28 bwa: bwa/0.7.17
29 bwa-mem: bwa-mem/0.7.17
30 bzip2: bzip2/1.0.8
31 cactus: cactus/2.1.1
32 cairo: cairo/1.17.4
33 carp: carp/1.8
34 caviar: caviar/3.6.5
35 cdo: cdo/2.0.5
36 cellranger: cellranger/6.1.1, cellranger/7.0.0
37 cesm: cesm/2.x, cesm/2.2.0
38 cluster-tools: cluster-tools/9.0
39 cmake: cmake/3.18.4
40 cmd: cmd
41 cm-image: cm-image/9.0
42 cm-pmix3: cm-pmix3/3.1.4
43 cm-scale: cm-scale/cm-scale.module
44 cm-setup: cm-setup/9.0
45 cmsh: cmsh
46 Comp-D_MPI: Comp-D_MPI/1.1
47 cuda: cuda/10.2.89, cuda/11.1.0
48 cudnn: cudnn/
49 cufflinks: cufflinks/2.2.1
50 curl: curl/7.83.0
51 cutadapt: cutadapt/3.2
52 DeepLabCut: DeepLabCut/2.2.1_live, DeepLabCut/2.2.1
53 default-environment: default-environment
54 dftd4: dftd4/3.3.0
55 dmtcp: dmtcp/3.0.0
56 Dsuite: Dsuite/0.5
57 eckit: eckit/1.20.0
58 edgeR: edgeR/3.38.1
59 elpa: elpa/2021.11.002
60 emacs: emacs/27.1
61 expat: expat/2.2.7
62 fastqc: fastqc/0.11.9
63 feh: feh/3.9
64 ferret: ferret/7.6.5
65 ffmpeg: ffmpeg/4.2.2
66 fftw3/openmpi/gcc/64: fftw3/openmpi/gcc/64/3.3.8
67 fftw: fftw/3.3.8, fftw/3.3.10
68 fltk: fltk/1.3.8
69 fontconfig: fontconfig/2.13.1
70 freeipmi: freeipmi/1.6.4
71 freetype2: freetype2/2.12.1
72 freetype: freetype/2.10.1
73 gatk: gatk/3.8
74 gaussian***: gaussian/16
75 gaussview***: gaussview/gv
76 GCCcore: GCCcore/7.3.0
77 gcc: gcc/9.2.0, gcc/9.3.0
78 gdal: gdal/3.4.1, gdal/3.5.1
79 gdb: gdb/8.3.1
80 gdrcopy: gdrcopy/2.3
81 gengetopt: gengetopt/2.23
82 geos: geos/3.10.2
83 git-annex: git-annex/8.2
84 git: git/2.28.0
85 git-lfs: git-lfs/2.11.0
86 glpk: glpk/4.47
87 GLPK: GLPK/4.65
88 gmp: gmp/6.1.2
89 go: go/1.15.2
90 gromacs: gromacs/2019.4-plumed, gromacs/2020.4, gromacs/2020.5, gromacs/2021.4-plumed
91 gsl: gsl/2.5, gsl/2.7
92 gurobi: gurobi/7.0.2, gurobi/8.1.1, gurobi/9.0.2, gurobi/9.5.1, gurobi/9.5.2
93 hdf5_18: hdf5_18/1.8.21
94 hdf5: hdf5/1.10.1, hdf5/1.10.7, hdf5/1.12.2
95 helpers: helpers/0.1, helpers/0.1.1
96 htslib: htslib/1.10.2
97 HTSlib: HTSlib/1.12
98 hwloc: hwloc/1.11.11, hwloc/2.2.0
99 hypre: hypre/2.20.0
100 imagemagick: imagemagick/6.9.12, imagemagick/7.1.0
101 imkl-FFTW: imkl-FFTW/2022.0
102 Imlib2: Imlib2/1.9.1
103 intel-cluster-runtime: intel-cluster-runtime/ia32/2019.6, intel-cluster-runtime/intel64/2019.6
104 intel-compilers: intel-compilers/2022.0
105 intel: intel/2020, intel/2020.1, intel/2020.2, intel/2022.0
106 intel-mkl: intel-mkl/2020.3.279-tbb, intel-mkl/2022.0
107 intel-mpi: intel-mpi/, intel-mpi/2019.8.254, intel-mpi/2020.2, intel-mpi/2021.5
108 intelmpi: intelmpi/2020
109 intel-tbb-oss/ia32: intel-tbb-oss/ia32/2020.3
110 intel-tbb-oss/intel64: intel-tbb-oss/intel64/2020.3
111 ipmitool: ipmitool/1.8.18
112 jags: jags/4.3.0
113 jarvis-tools: jarvis-tools/2022.7.17
114 jasmine: jasmine/1.1.5
115 Java: Java/11.0.2
116 jdftx: jdftx/1.7.0
117 julia: julia/1.7.3
118 jupyterlab: jupyterlab/3.4.5
119 kraken2: kraken2/2.1.2
120 lammps_gpu: lammps_gpu/20220504_gpu, lammps_gpu/20220504
121 lammps: lammps/20200721
122 lapack/gcc/64: lapack/gcc/64/3.8.0
123 lapack/intel/20.2: lapack/intel/20.2/3.9.0
124 libbeef: libbeef/0.1.2
125 libevent: libevent/2.1.11
126 libfabric: libfabric/1.11.0
127 libglvnd: libglvnd/1.2.0
128 libjpeg: libjpeg/9c
129 libpciaccess: libpciaccess/0.16
130 libpng: libpng/1.6.37
131 libtiff: libtiff/4.2.0, libtiff/4.4.0
132 libtirpc: libtirpc/1.3.2
133 libx11: libx11/1.7.0
134 libxc: libxc/5.1.6, libxc/5.2.2, libxc/5.2.3
135 libXinerama: libXinerama/1.1.2
136 libxkbcommon: libxkbcommon/0.8.2
137 libxml2: libxml2/2.9.10
138 LLVM: LLVM/9.0.0
139 localres: localres/1.7
140 LS-DYNA***: LS-DYNA/13.1.0
141 luajit: luajit
142 lua: lua/5.3.5
143 mamba: mamba/0.23.0
144 MARCC_intel: MARCC_intel/16.0
145 MARS: MARS/latest
146 mathematica: mathematica/13.1
147 matlab: matlab/R2020a, matlab/R2021a, matlab/R2022a
148 maven: maven/3.8.6
149 mdanalysis: mdanalysis/2.1.0
150 mesa: mesa/18.3.6
151 Mesa: Mesa/19.2.1, Mesa/20.0.2
152 metis: metis/5.1.0
153 module-git: module-git
154 mpich/ge/gcc/64: mpich/ge/gcc/64/3.3.2
155 msrsync: msrsync/2017
156 mummer: mummer/4.0.0
157 mumps: mumps/5.3.3
158 mvapich2/gcc/64: mvapich2/gcc/64/2.3.2
159 mysql: mysql/8.0.29
160 namd: namd/2.14-cuda-smp, namd/2.14-mpi, namd/2.14-smp, namd/2.14
161 ncdf4: ncdf4/1.19
162 ncdu: ncdu/1.13
163 nco: nco/5.0.8
164 ncurses: ncurses/6.3
165 ncview: ncview/2.1.8
166 netcdf-c: netcdf-c/4.7.4
167 netcdf-fortran: netcdf-fortran/4.5.3
168 netcdf/gcc/64/gcc/64: netcdf/gcc/64/gcc/64/4.7.3
169 netlib-lapack: netlib-lapack/3.8.0
170 netlib-scalapack: netlib-scalapack/2.1.0
171 netperf: netperf/2.7.0
172 numactl: numactl/2.0.13
173 nvhpc-gcc: nvhpc-gcc/21.2-9.3.0
174 nvhpc: nvhpc/21.2
175 nvitop: nvitop/0.5.6
176 openbabel: openbabel/3.1.1
177 openblas: openblas/dynamic/0.3.7, openblas/0.3.10
178 opencarp: opencarp/11.0
179 openfoam: openfoam/2006_201012, openfoam/2012
180 openfoam-org: openfoam-org/7
181 openjdk: openjdk/18.0.2
182 openldap: openldap
183 openmm: openmm/7.4.1
184 openmpi/gcc/64: openmpi/gcc/64/1.10.7
185 openmpi/mlnx/gcc/64: openmpi/mlnx/gcc/64/4.0.3rc4
186 openmpi: openmpi/3.1.6, openmpi/4.1.1_gpfs, openmpi/4.1.1
187 openms: openms/2.7.0
188 orca: orca/4.2.1, orca/5.0.2
189 parallel-netcdf: parallel-netcdf/1.12.1
190 parallel: parallel/20200822
191 paraview: paraview/5.5.2, paraview/5.10.1
192 parmetis: parmetis/4.0.3
193 pegasus: pegasus/1.6.0
194 petsc: petsc/3.14.0
195 picard: picard/2.20.8
196 pixman: pixman/0.40.0
197 pkgconf: pkgconf/1.8.0-i62brai
198 plink: plink/1.90b6.4
199 plumed: plumed/2.8.0
200 PMIx: PMIx/3.1.5
201 poppler: poppler/22.05.0
202 proj: proj/6.3.2
203 prokka: prokka/1.14.5
204 py-cython: py-cython/0.29.21
205 py-joblib: py-joblib/0.14.0
206 py-netcdf4: py-netcdf4/1.5.3
207 py-numpy: py-numpy/1.18.5
208 py-pip: py-pip/20.2
209 py-pybind11: py-pybind11/2.5.0
210 pyRosetta: pyRosetta/3.1.6-py36, pyRosetta/3.1.6-py37, pyRosetta/3.1.6-py38, pyRosetta/3.1.6-py39
211 py-scikit-learn: py-scikit-learn/0.23.2
212 py-scipy: py-scipy/1.5.3
213 py-setuptools: py-setuptools/50.1.0
214 python37: python37
215 python3: python3
216 python: python/3.7.9, python/3.8.6, python/3.9.0
217 py-threadpoolctl: py-threadpoolctl/2.0.0
218 pyTorch: pyTorch/1.8.1-cuda-11.1.1
219 qe: qe/6.6, qe/7.0-gpu, qe/7.0
220 qiime2: qiime2/2022.2
221 qt: qt/5.14.2
222 quantum-espresso: quantum-espresso/6.6
223 quantumespresso: quantumespresso/6.7
224 r-acepack: r-acepack/1.4.1
225 r-askpass: r-askpass/1.1
226 r-assertthat: r-assertthat/0.2.1
227 r-backports: r-backports/1.1.4
228 r-base64enc: r-base64enc/0.1-3
229 r-bh: r-bh/1.69.0-1
230 r-biocgenerics: r-biocgenerics/0.34.0
231 r-brew: r-brew/1.0-6
232 r-callr: r-callr/3.4.3
233 r-checkmate: r-checkmate/1.9.4
234 r-clipr: r-clipr/0.7.0
235 r-cli: r-cli/2.0.2
236 r-cluster: r-cluster/2.1.0
237 r-codetools: r-codetools/0.2-16
238 r-colorspace: r-colorspace/1.4-1
239 r-commonmark: r-commonmark/1.7
240 r-covr: r-covr/3.5.0
241 r-crayon: r-crayon/1.3.4
242 r-crosstalk: r-crosstalk/1.0.0
243 r-curl: r-curl/4.3
244 r-data-table: r-data-table/1.12.8
245 r-desc: r-desc/1.2.0
246 r-devtools: r-devtools/2.3.0
247 r-digest: r-digest/0.6.25
248 r-dirichletmultinomial: r-dirichletmultinomial/1.26.0
249 r-domc: r-domc/1.3.6
250 r-dplyr: r-dplyr/0.8.3
251 r-dt: r-dt/0.13
252 relion: relion/3.1.3
253 r-ellipsis: r-ellipsis/0.3.0
254 remora: remora/1.8.5
255 r-evaluate: r-evaluate/0.14
256 r-fansi: r-fansi/0.4.0
257 r-foreach: r-foreach/1.4.7
258 r-foreign: r-foreign/0.8-72
259 r-formula: r-formula/1.2-3
260 r-fs: r-fs/1.3.1
261 r-getopt: r-getopt/1.20.3
262 r-ggplot2: r-ggplot2/3.2.0
263 r-gh: r-gh/1.1.0
264 r-git2r: r-git2r/0.27.1
265 r-glue: r-glue/1.4.1
266 r-gridextra: r-gridextra/2.3
267 r-gtable: r-gtable/0.3.0
268 r-highr: r-highr/0.8
269 r-hmisc: r-hmisc/4.4-0
270 r-htmltable: r-htmltable/1.13.1
271 r-htmltools: r-htmltools/0.3.6
272 r-htmlwidgets: r-htmlwidgets/1.3
273 rhtslib: rhtslib/1.18.0
274 r-httpuv: r-httpuv/1.5.1
275 r-httr: r-httr/1.4.1
276 r-ini: r-ini/0.3.1
277 r-inline: r-inline/0.3.15
278 r-intervals: r-intervals/0.15.1
279 r-iranges: r-iranges/2.22.2
280 r-iterators: r-iterators/1.0.12
281 r-jsonlite: r-jsonlite/1.6.1
282 r-knitr: r-knitr/1.28
283 r-labeling: r-labeling/0.3
284 r-later: r-later/0.8.0
285 r-latticeextra: r-latticeextra/0.6-28
286 r-lattice: r-lattice/0.20-38
287 r-lazyeval: r-lazyeval/0.2.2
288 r-loo: r-loo/2.1.0
289 r-magrittr: r-magrittr/1.5
290 r-mass: r-mass/7.3-51.5
291 r-matrix: r-matrix/1.2-17
292 r-matrixstats: r-matrixstats/0.55.0
293 r-memoise: r-memoise/1.1.0
294 r-mgcv: r-mgcv/1.8-28
295 r-mime: r-mime/0.7
296 r-munsell: r-munsell/0.5.0
297 r-nlme: r-nlme/3.1-141
298 r-nnet: r-nnet/7.3-12
299 r-openssl: r-openssl/1.4.1
300 r-optparse: r-optparse/1.6.2
301 r-pillar: r-pillar/1.4.2
302 r-pkgbuild: r-pkgbuild/1.0.8
303 r-pkgconfig: r-pkgconfig/2.0.2
304 r-pkgload: r-pkgload/1.0.2
305 r-plogr: r-plogr/0.2.0
306 r-plyr: r-plyr/1.8.4
307 r-praise: r-praise/1.0.0
308 r-prettyunits: r-prettyunits/1.0.2
309 r-processx: r-processx/3.4.1
310 r-promises: r-promises/1.0.1
311 r-ps: r-ps/1.3.0
312 r-purrr: r-purrr/0.3.4
313 r: r/3.6.3, r/4.0.2
314 r-r6: r-r6/2.4.0
315 r-rcmdcheck: r-rcmdcheck/1.3.3
316 r-rcolorbrewer: r-rcolorbrewer/1.1-2
317 r-rcppeigen: r-rcppeigen/
318 r-rcpp: r-rcpp/
319 r-rematch2: r-rematch2/2.1.2
320 r-remotes: r-remotes/2.1.1
321 r-reshape2: r-reshape2/1.4.3
322 r-rex: r-rex/1.1.2
323 r-rlang: r-rlang/0.4.6
324 r-roxygen2: r-roxygen2/7.1.0
325 r-rpart: r-rpart/4.1-15
326 r-rprojroot: r-rprojroot/1.3-2
327 r-rstan: r-rstan/2.19.2
328 r-rstantools: r-rstantools/1.5.1
329 r-rstudioapi: r-rstudioapi/0.11
330 r-r-utils: r-r-utils/2.9.0
331 r-rversions: r-rversions/2.0.1
332 r-s4vectors: r-s4vectors/0.26.1
333 rsamtools: rsamtools/2.0.3
334 r-scales: r-scales/1.0.0
335 rsem: rsem/1.3.3
336 r-sessioninfo: r-sessioninfo/1.1.1
337 r-seurat: r-seurat/4.1.1
338 r-shiny: r-shiny/1.3.2
339 r-signac: r-signac/1.7.0
340 r-sourcetools: r-sourcetools/0.1.7
341 r-spatialExperiment: r-spatialExperiment/1.0.0
342 r-spatialLIBD: r-spatialLIBD/1.2.1
343 r-stanheaders: r-stanheaders/2.18.1-10
344 r-stringi: r-stringi/1.4.3
345 r-stringr: r-stringr/1.4.0
346 rstudio: rstudio/1.1.462
347 r-survival: r-survival/3.1-12
348 r-sva: r-sva/3.42.0
349 r-sys: r-sys/3.2
350 r-testthat: r-testthat/2.3.2
351 r-tibble: r-tibble/2.1.3
352 r-tidyselect: r-tidyselect/0.2.5
353 r-tidyverse: r-tidyverse/1.3.1
354 Ruby: Ruby/3.0.1, Ruby/3.1.2
355 r-usethis: r-usethis/1.6.1
356 r-utf8: r-utf8/1.1.4
357 r-vctrs: r-vctrs/0.2.0
358 r-viridislite: r-viridislite/0.3.0
359 r-viridis: r-viridis/0.5.1
360 r-whisker: r-whisker/0.3-2
361 r-withr: r-withr/2.2.0
362 r-xfun: r-xfun/0.8
363 r-xml2: r-xml2/1.3.2
364 r-xopen: r-xopen/1.0.0
365 r-xtable: r-xtable/1.8-4
366 r-yaml: r-yaml/2.2.0
367 r-zeallot: r-zeallot/0.1.0
368 samtools: samtools/1.10, samtools/1.15.1
369 screen: screen/4.8.0
370 seurat: seurat/3.0.2, seurat/3.2.3, seurat/4.1.1
371 SIRfindeR: SIRfindeR/0.0.92
372 slurm: slurm/slurm/20.11.9, slurm/19.05.7
373 snakemake: snakemake/7.3.8, snakemake/7.6.0
374 sqlite: sqlite/3.39.1
375 sra-tools: sra-tools/3.0.0
376 standard: standard/2020.10
377 STAR: STAR/2.7.10a
378 sundials: sundials/5.4.0
379 superlu-dist: superlu-dist/6.3.0
380 superlu: superlu/5.2.1
381 swig: swig/3.0.12
382 tabix: tabix/1.13
383 tcl: tcl/8.5.19
384 Tcl: Tcl/8.6.9
385 tensorflow: tensorflow/1.14.0-gpu-py3-keras, tensorflow/1.14.0, tensorflow/2.9.1-gpu-py3-keras, tensorflow/2.9.1
386 tk: tk/8.5.19
387 totalview: totalview/2021.2.14
388 trilinos: trilinos/13.0.0
389 trimmomatic: trimmomatic/0.39_conda, trimmomatic/0.39
390 UCX: UCX/1.11.2
391 ucx: ucx/1.6.1, ucx/1.12.1
392 udunits: udunits/2.2.28
393 valgrind: valgrind/3.10.0, valgrind/3.19.0
394 vcftools: vcftools/0.1.14
395 velocyto: velocyto/0.17.13
396 vim: vim/9.0
397 vmd: vmd/1.9.4a55, vmd/1.9.4
398 X11: X11/20190717
399 xpdf: xpdf/4.04
400 xtb: xtb/6.2.1
401 XZ: XZ/5.2.5
402 xz: XZ utilities
403 zlib: zlib/1.2.11
404 zsh: zsh/5.8