ARCH February 2024 Newsletter

In this Newsletter for the Month of February:

Read below for more details about our announcements. 

Mark O. Robbins Prize Nominations Now Open

ARCH is now accepting PhD student and postdoc nominations for the Mark O. Robbins Prize.  The prize was established in 2021 to commemorate the enduring legacy of the late Dr. Mark Robbins of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. This prize is intended to recognize graduate students and post-doctoral students who are producing exemplary work related to computational science and engineering.  More information about Dr. Robbins, the award, and the nomination process, can be found here.

Rockfish Updates

  1. Time limits for the “shared” partition: The new time limit is 36 hours per job. This partition should be used for serial jobs or small parallel jobs.
  2. The maximum number of cores a group can use at one time is 320 (for the shared partition)
  3. Reminder: New queue configuration
    • “express”: 1-4 cores, 8-hour time limit
    • “shared”: 1-32 cores per job, time limit 36 hours. Maximum number of cores per group is 320.
    • “parallel”: parallel jobs with 48 or more cores. Time limit is 72 hours.
    • The maximum number of nodes per group is 75
    • “a100” and “ica100” have not changed.

Users can now use the new “ -usage” command and argument on a login node to view filesystem usage for each of their groups broken down by each filesystem and individual member contributions.

The information displayed will be updated weekly.

Please note that the bottom line totaling usage may differ slightly from the “Used” column in the standard “” output. This is due to a difference in how the numbers are calculated.

  • “ -usage” looks only at specific group directories – for example, “/data/$GROUP”
  • “” looks at group usage over the entire filesystem – $GROUP’s usage on “/data/” for example. It is possible that some groups have files within other directories on the filesystem, causing the difference in the calculations.

March Training Sessions

 ARCH will be providing the following sessions for the month of ARCH:

Register for each session here

Research Spotlight: Professor David Dowdy

David Dowdy is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology, International Health, and General Internal Medicine at Johns Hopkins. His research group, TB Modeling and Translational Epidemiology Group, focuses on the dynamic/mechanistic modeling of diseases like HIV and Tuberculosis (TB) to inform public health decision-making. Learn more about his work here

Staff Spotlight: Jason Williams

We continue our Staff Spotlight highlighting the amazing work of Jason Williams, a Sr. Systems Engineer at ARCH. Learn more about his work here

Feel free to contact us for assistance with our services by submitting a help ticket on our website.

Thank you,